Today -31-

>>> Communal global

I have made some golden images in the backyard, the leaves of the trees are shining and I love the autumn very much. You see some of the big trees that stand in our garden. Also two of our Buddha figures and one of our chickens–

Greetings from Germany…. Petra

Über Follygirl

Viele...BUNTE ... Blogs...Filme 😊 Fotografie... DIY!!!... FILMEN... Schreiben... Privates... Natur & Tiere... Kochen... und vieles mehr. Freue mich auf Eure Besuche! Looking forward to your visits!
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8 Antworten zu Today -31-

  1. moni schreibt:

    WOW! What a wonderful slideshow! Which what programm did you style it? My favorit is the great, golden Buddha.
    Best wishes – moni

  2. Maddy schreibt:

    Love the Buddha!! Fall looks very similar to what our fall looks like here! Our leaves are completely changing colors 🙂

  3. The Lola Letters schreibt:

    Oooh lovely!
    Greetings from the U.S.!

  4. kelleyn schreibt:

    Ganz schoen. Ich liebe die Herbst photo show!

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